One area

One area is commonly around the eyes. This targets the lines that are referred to as crow’s feet (some people might call them smile lines). The orbicularis oculi is the muscle around the eye that contracts when you smile and this large muscle is responsible for the fine lines around the eye area that appear with age.

Two areas

Typically two areas are the Glabella (more commonly known as the frown line) contains a group of muscles which contract when a person furrows their brow. This contraction, over time, causes the vertical lines which we refer to as frown lines. Second Area that is commonly treated is the forehead for the softening of horizontal wrinkles. This is made up of the frontalis, which is the broad muscle that lifts the eyebrows when it contracts and causes the fine lines across a person’s forehead.

Three Areas

Typically, the three main treatment areas for anti wrinkle treatments are the Glabella, the forehead and Crow’s feet and they all have their own specific treatment patterns.

Nefertiti – Neck Lift

Named after Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, this treatment specifically targets the neck and jawline area for a rejuvenating and uplifting effect. The neck and jawline are often neglected in favor of facial work. However, if the neck or jawline are saggy and loose, this can ‘give away’ the fact that treatment has been had elsewhere. The neck area can be particularly tricky to treat effectively as the skin is quite delicate and thin. However, this treatment can deliver remarkable results. The Nefertiti Lift is designed to redefine the jaw and also soften neck lines for a rejuvenating effect that presents smoother skin without the need for surgery.

If any of the following apply, this treatment may be right for you:

  • Lacks definition of jawline
  • Wrinkly, saggy neck area
  • Loose jowls
  • Previously lost weight in the face, causing a generalized sagging
    Those that tend to tense the neck, making the area appear more aged

The Nefertiti Lift technique consists of a series of treatment sessions carefully and precisely administered along the lower jaw line and into the neck area muscle to provide an uplifting effect to the area. As the muscles are relaxed, there is an upward pull which reduces saggy skin, making it tighter and tauter.

The treatment usually takes effect after 7 – 10 days, however it may take 2 weeks for the maximum effect to be seen. The effect lasts between 2 to 4 months (average 3 months). Clients who have had several treatments often find the effect lasts longer. Side effects are uncommon and minimal.

Masseters – Jaw Slimming

Masseters is an excellent treatment for jaw reduction, teeth-grinding (Bruxism) and teeth clenching. The treatment works to subtly weaken the jaw muscle to give a softer jaw angle. The treatment inhibits the action of the masseter jaw muscle which leads to a reduction in the size of the muscle.

This treatment is ideal for those looking to change the shape of the jaw to slim it down, and for those who are clenching or grinding their teeth. The treatment solution is applied into the jaw line on both sides of the jaw which gives a slight pinching sensation. The treatment procedure takes 15-20 minutes and patients can return to their office or daily work activities after the treatment because there is no downtime.

The treatment usually takes effect after 7 – 10 days days, however it may take 2 weeks for the maximum effect to be seen. The effect lasts between 2 to 4 months (average 3 months). Clients who have had several sessions often find the effect lasts longer. Side effects are uncommon and minimal.

Lip Flip

When used alone, Treatment is applied on the top of the upper lip border to create a subtle pout by flipping out the top lip line and rolling the lip gently outward, giving the appearance of a fuller lip.

Small dose are made into the top sections of the orbicularis oris, the muscle that runs around the mouth. Only the superficial layers of the muscle surrounding the upper lip are targeted to allow the muscle fibres to flip the lip outward without affecting the overall function of the muscle, and therefore any mouth movements.

Marionette Lines

Marionette lines are formed by a combination of a loss of facial volume, normal skin aging, and the presence of deep retaining ligaments attached to the skin. There are surgical and non-surgical methods of treatment. In regards to non-surgical methods, they are best treated with dermal fillers which can restore volume and also elevate deep folds. Marionette lines treatment can be useful when the corners of the mouth are down turned secondary to overactive depressor muscles. While dermal fillers are usually the ‘go to’ treatment for marionette lines, Marionette treatment can be used to relax the muscles which pull down the corners of your mouth and accentuate the appearance of marionette lines. We can use Marionette treatment in conjunction with dermal fillers to maximize the improvement.

Smokers Line

Perioral (smokers) lines are the linear wrinkles which radiate out from the border of the mouth. These lines are created through the activity of the underlying orbicularis orris muscle and the natural process of ageing with a loss of volume and elasticity in the skin around the mouth. The appearance of these lines may be exaggerated through chronic sun exposure or smoking and certain individuals may have an inherited predisposition to developing them.
Smokers Line treatment can be applied to relax the muscle fibers surrounding the mouth to help smoother out the skin and reduce the appearance of these wrinkles. In some cases, this can be supplemented by small volumes of dermal filler which may further help to improve the skin in this area.

Bunny Lines

Bunny lines on the nose are due to repetitive movement of the underlying nasalis muscle. As with other muscles of the face, this muscle is amenable to temporary paralysis. Once relaxed, the overlying skin will become smoother and the lines less prominent.

Hyperhidrosis- Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis treatment for sweating, or Anti Excessive treatment is a life changing procedure which works brilliantly. It is a procedure which is much more effective and which is free of significant side effects when comparing to the surgical and abrasive deodorant alternatives. The results of hyperhidrosis treatment is amazing, with most of patients describing them as life changing. The improvement of sweating is classically 80%-100% and it should last 6-12 months. This really is the holy grail for patients who have tried many other things with no success. Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, available for armpits, palms or soles.

Gummy Smile

A ‘gummy smile’ is actually very common condition that affects around 15% of adults, and for some people can cause a lot self-consciousness and anxiety when smiling. A Gummy Smile is the term used to describe the condition where a significant portion of the gums are on show when you are smiling. There are a number of reasons why you may have a gummy smile. It could simply be down to genetics, if your upper lip is slightly shorter then you will naturally show more gums when you smile. Similarly, you could have been born with your maxilla somewhat protruded (this is the upper jaw that holds your teeth in place A few other reasons such as abnormal or compensatory eruption of your adult teeth can also play a part in causing a gummy smile. With our Gummy Smile treatment at Aesthetics Worthing we can correct your gummy smile but most importantly – give you your confidence back.

Nose Lift

When people smile a muscle in the upper lip, called the depressor nasii septi, to pull down the the tip of the nose. In some individuals this can be quite pronounced. By applying Nose Lift treatment solution into this muscle, the muscle is weakened causing the nose to remain up when smiling, more raised and projected.

Chin – Labiomental Fold

Labiomental Fold treatment make it possible to effectively correct the labiomental fold on the chin. Relaxing mentalis muscle makes the skin of the chin smoother. The micro-needles used for the treatment are practically pain-free. The patient can resume their socio-professional life immediately after treatment. The skin of the chin is smooth and the labiomental fold is reduced. The movement of the face is natural and harmonious.

Brow Lift

The brow lift works by relaxing specific muscles around the delicate eye area, and smoothing away worry lines and deep grooves caused by frowning along the lower forehead. When the right muscles around the eyebrows are relaxed, the skin appears smoother, more toned, the brows are lifted and youthful. Brow lift can be performed on all skin types, and may be particularly effective for people who have naturally-drooping eyelids and low-hanging eyebrows. The brow lift literally ‘lifts’ the skin tissues above and around the eyebrows so that the natural eyebrow arch is a few millimeters higher. In some cases surgery might be required and appropriate advice will be given.

  • The treatment usually takes effect after 7 – 10 days, however it may take 2 weeks for the maximum effect to be seen. The effect lasts between 2 to 4 months (average 3 months).
  • Additional £70 for Bunny Lines, Gummy Smile, Smokers Lines, Lip Flip – If treatment is with two or three areas anti wrinkle treatment.
  • Male patients or for those needing additional dosage due to increased musculature, a £50 supplement maybe payable.